In case you don’t already know it, short nosed dogs (Bulldogs, Frenchies, Pugs, Pekingese and Boston Terriers) do not do well in the heat. Their short noses are cute but inefficient in providing the airflow needed to cool their body. That’s why they breathe mostly through their mouths when they’re hot (and why they can be a bit gassy).
Here are six things to think about during the record-breaking heat this weekend:
Shade, air-conditioning and a cool pool of water can be fun and a life saver. Although most short nosed dogs can’t swim, they love to play in the water.
Provide plenty of cool water
They will be emptying their water bowl more often so keep an eye on it. Also, toss a couple of ice cubes in there.
Don’t overdo it
Exercise only in the early morning or late evening. If you’re relaxing in the heat of the day, your pup probably will too. Remember, your pup looks up to you and will duplicate what you’re doing.
Keep an eye on them
Pay close attention to your pups breathing, stamina, and energy level.
Don’t wait
If your pup is having difficulty breathing or if his tongue is flat and wide, get him cooled down asap.
Lighter is better
Hot weather or not, keep your pup at a healthy weight. Carrying the excess baggage will shorten their life.