We are all victims of habit.
Most of us work, some work long hours, some have long commutes, some work from home but all with the same goal: to finish the day and enjoy some much needed down time. This is our reward for a day of accomplishment, stress and earning a paycheck.
What is your reward for the end of the day? Dinner? TV? Reuniting with your dog/family? Dinner is a given but after that, what is the real “down time” part of your evening? Do you spend it watching the news and getting upset or angry over events of the world, the direction of our country, natural disasters, injustice, violence, ignorance and down right stupidity?
It’s important to keep abreast of the events of the world but the daily bombardment of negativity only hurts you and your dog knows it. Your dog is your monitor. Your dog sees, hears and smells your moods, tones and body language more than you might realize. This affects them too. Why would we knowingly do that to our dogs? Sometimes our dogs are smarter than us and know what’s best, better than we do.
Ten out of ten dogs surveyed say, “Kill your TV and love on me”. It’s a proven scientific fact, snuggling with a dog is good therapy. It lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, calms your stomach and gives you peace. The same happens to your pup.
Life is full of options and you have a choice at 6pm every night to get stressed, angry, frustrated and yell at your TV or simply turn it off, get on the floor and feel the happiness and love your pup is full of. They don’t worry about things they have no control over, they live in the moment and enjoy the simple things in their world. Now more than ever, it’s important to occasionally get down to their level, both physically and psychologically.
So next time you find yourself getting even the slightest bit agitated over the news, stop and look at your pup. Why are they looking up at you with their tongue hanging out and a smile on their face? Turn off the TV, get down there and find out.